Why coaching is a dirty word in 2020.

Bob Jones
3 min readSep 5, 2020
Image by lannyboy89 from Pixabay

It attracts mockery from a large group of people who roll their eyes when you tell them you’re a coach.

I’m sure you’ve had your share of trolls on some of your posts.

They try and burn you down before you even open your mouth. They try to discredit you before they even read the rest of your post. They use the laugh react on your post and don’t even bother reading your post.

Why is this?

Two things come to mind:

1. People are unsure of what it is that you do, and they target you with their sarcasm so they can feel better about themselves. It’s easier to mock you than it is to admit their own lack of understanding.

2. There are a lot of shitty coaches out there who just jumped on the bandwagon because they treat it as a quick way to get rich — and they burn people, the same people who get their backs up when you tell them you’re a coach too.

So how do you break through that invisible barrier of uncertainty, doubt and disbelief so you can actually show people what it is that you can do for them?

The first step is to understand and acknowledge that there will always be trolls, and know what place they’re coming from. They are not attacking you personally, they’re trying to protect their own ego.

